Our Projects
Linear Walkway, Dunboyne
roject: Linear Walkway, Dunboyne
Client: Meath County Council
Location: Rooske Road, Dunboyne
Brief Overview:
Development of a landscaped Linear Walkway from Rooske Road alongside the Castle Stream with a pedestrian bridge crossing over the Castle Stream to link the new walkway with the existing Dunboyne Park.
Key Elements
- New linear walkway, to provide a shared cycle/footpath – 4m wide.
- Surface car park to serve the future playing fields and club house to be provided by others.
- Vehicular access from Rooske Road to car park.
- Reconstruction of the Castle Bridge (c1870 cast iron bridge attributed to William Turner) in the location shown, to cross the Castle Stream – 3m wide.
- The cast iron bridge is to be refurbished by a specialist contractor and repositioned onto the new bridge support structure.
- Rerouting of drainage from the school to the south, through the site, to the Castle Stream
- including the provision of a 900mm dia. culvert to serve an OPW drain.
- Filling in of ditch and pond
- Provision of outdoor fitness equipment
- Drainage to serve the car park, including attenuation tank.
- Landscaping, lighting and all associated works.
- Boundary wall and fence to Rooske Road and safety fence to stream.
- 4m high mesh fence to pitch/club house boundary where required.
- Disposal of waste material to a licensed tip.